The Ratio Of Sex To Story

We're getting ready to fuse the fun beat 'em up we've made with the fun turn-based strategy game we've made and concern is growing about whether this fusion will be fun or not. The reason I came up with this fusion in the first place is because I desperately wanted to try something new and shake things up in the hopes that this type of game can be way more fun. Since there's never really been a game like this before (there's been games very similar in concept but not in execution) we don't really have a way of knowing if it's going to work. In the wake of this concern I've been thinking about porn, and the ratio of sex to story.
Now personally, I do not want any story in my porn. I'm not there for that. If I want plot or story, I'll go to film or literature where my expectation of quality is much higher. When I want to look at people having sex, I'll go to porn because that's what it's good for, right? It's great at that. But there are people who appreciate the story in their porn, and for a variety of interesting reasons. Sometimes they require context, and sometimes they need padding from intensity, and sometimes people are just bored and will take an injection of any element foreign to the thing they are trying to experience. But then there are people like me who are simple brutes who have very direct and simple requirements and the impurity of something like porn with story is agitating.
When you think about it, beat 'em ups are really hilariously similar to porn. The crux of the beat 'em up experience is the combat. There's no arguing this. But the potential arugment lies in the delivery of the crux. Some people really want what God Of War gives them; a story, context, fighting, and intensity padding. And by the way, when most people say "pacing" they are simple referring to the padding of an intense experience with contrasting activities or forced reprieve. While this is legit for most people, I personally don't require it so this it's a tricky issue for me. In any case, I do get it. But some people want what River City Ransom gives them; a trivial context that consumes no time, and then provides lots and lots of fighting. The question is this; can these two classes of needs be reconciled? The answer is "I don't know!"
But here's what we're trying to do; create a new type of porn.
Think of classic beat 'em ups as porn without story. Raw. Fundamental. Intense. Emotionally meaningless. Think of the modern beat 'em up as porn with story. Metered. Moderated. Emotionally meaningful. Think of Aztez as a porn sandwich with two types of sex experienced at once. Both types of sex are very raw, but they're metered against each other. It provides the intensity but also provides the padding in that one of the two types of sex has no time requirements. Emotionally it's meaningful but it's because you'll be so involved that every time you have this sex you'll have a personal story to tell. It will be exhausting, but FULFILLING. The danger here is that the two types of sex simply aren't complimentary. But the way I see it, our worst case scenario is that we gave you two types of sex that simply don't go well together, as opposed to the genre offerings of late that give you one type of sex with bits of non-sex arbitrarily attached to it.
Patrick Boelens
Shane Wegner
Sean Osman