Aztez Is Going Into Full Production!

As you all know, Aztez has been a hobby project for the last couple years; something I've been making for fun and out of a lifelong passion for beat 'em ups. But I have only had the opportunity to work on it for very brief periods at a time, and these periods have occurred only when Matthew and I have had a miraculous overlap of available time and money. But I'm euphorically delighted to announce that we have received the private funding to spend 2012 developing the game! Our patron would like to remain anonymous (so don't ask), but we have cut an incredible deal and it's go-time. So what does this all actually mean?
- I'm working on the game full-time for the entire year. As the game is incredibly content heavy, I'm going to be spending a lot of time independently building and designing. So for the time being, Matthew will be part-time but will go full-time once we're ready to sew everything together into an amazing product.
- We would like to release the game in early 2013 on Steam for PC and Mac. We'll probably do Linux too, but those particulars are a little hazy still.
- I can FINALLY get back to writing in the blog which will be used to expose the development process, deliver news, and share playable builds of the game for feedback (and for fun). Keep in mind the builds are going to get scarce and more limited since we are trying to make a game you'll still want to buy.
- I'll be working from home (or at Matthew's house, or at coffee shops, or at playgrounds) and working whenever I want. In all honesty, this is going to mean all the time. My emails will be shorter, I won't be hanging out with you all as much, and I'll be emotionally nonexistent as I go deeper and deeper into my own violent madness. Don't worry though, I'll be loving it.
Here's to 2012!