On Bayonetta 2 And “The Secret Game”
Y'all KNOW how I feel about Bayonetta 1; I believe it is the carrier of the greatest combat engine ever built. Imagine my surprise when Bayonetta 2 finally comes out here in North America and it is somehow an improvement in almost every single way. I'm not going to give its own combat analysis, as everything I said about Bayonetta 1 still applies, except now with less cons! But in that first analysis I referenced the "...secret game buried inside of Bayonetta...playing it for a respectable rank". I've since been asked many times about that secret game and instead of writing about I want to show it to you. Now that I have the technology to do this and since I'm already knee deep in Bayonetta 2, I made a video (with tactical commentary) of me playing through the first chapter and obtaining a Pure Platinum rank (the highest you can get) in every fight.
I had a commenter asking me to expand on the systems themselves. Luckily for them, I recently did a stream of Bayonetta 2 where I went into some pretty serious detail. The difference in tone between these vids was because the Pure Platinum vid was A. scripted and B. very late at night and the stream was during the day when I was caffeinated. Haha! Anyway, drink it in.
I'm bothering to talk this much about it because all too often people take games like this at face value and have no idea there's an incredibly fulfilling experience wrapped up inside of it. This is "The Secret Game". I know I've been referring to it here in the context of Bayonetta, but it applies to any technical action game. Luckily, I've realized over time that a reliable way to push people past their face value understanding is to show them high level play, i.e. combo videos. That way they can see for themselves what the game is capable of and hopefully it turns on the part of their brain that wants to be able to perform like that, too. But the problem with combo videos is that it's also easy to know you're looking at something amazing but not actually derive any insight. That's what I'm hoping to accomplish with the video I made.
In that video I have a link to another youtube video; my man Saurian Dash (who helped write the Future Press Bayonetta 1 guide, a mind-blowing tome of high and low level information in great detail) is putting together a series of videos designed to teach people how to play Bayonetta, and I linked to the first video in the series. He's amazing and his work is amazing and if getting good is your goal then he will be invaluable.
Saur is one of the most passionate people I've ever met and he has rallied a small group of hardcore action gamers to create content designed to put games like this in greater illumination. I've joined the cause in my own way, but Saur's contribution is already immense; check out his youtube channel to see additional Bayonetta work and also to see his invaluable Wonderful 101 content as well! As usual, if you have any questions, throw them at me and I will hit you back.
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